How to get out of the work-sleep-repeat cycle and make each day distinct and memorable.

My biggest problem I hate routines. I want to live life and have it be a little different every day, I don't want to just feel like a cog in the wheel which is SOCIETY!!!
However, especially when fall comes around, us students have to enter the sad routine which is school-work-sleep-repeat (which, as I near graduation, will morph into work-sleep-repeat).
This is a very sad way to think and live, so I decided to write a little article with tips and tricks from yours truly about how to make each day distinct and intriguing.
TIP ONE: Give your days an episode title.
At the end of every day, figure out what the episode title of your day would be if your life was a TV show. For example, today's was "The It Girl at the Copacabana". It has to do with a strange dream I had last night.
TIP TWO: Wear strange accessories.
If your ears are pierced, invest in some ominous earrings that will make getting ready more fun. Or get random buttons that say things. Look below for some inspiration.
TIP THREE: Listen to weird audiobooks or podcasts while you commute or get ready.
I can't reccomend it enough. Just having something weird and enjoyable to listen to will make those in-between moments so much more interesting.
TIP FOUR: Make it your goal to find a good new song every single day.
If you're obsessed with finding new music like me, make it your goal to find a song every single day that you absolutely love. If you're someone who is quite picky about the music you like, this might be challenging, but check out my article on 5 Mysterious Hacks to Discover New Music here!
TIP FIVE: Practice social exposure therapy by doing something strange in public once per day.
Throw your head back and scream. Or do an experiment and drop all of your things purposefully.
TIP SIX: Come up with intriguing questions to ask people.
My favourite thing to ask people right now is, "Would you rather burn to death or drown?"
Another question is, "Would you recognize yourself if you saw your clone in public?"
These sorts of questions build rapport, encourage critical thinking skills, and help with bonding.
But most of all, they allow some entertaining and insightful answers you couldn't get anywhere else. Sometimes it is truly spectacular to see the ways people's minds work.
TIP SEVEN: Write a poem.
Sit down and just throw whatever is in your brain onto a piece of paper, but try to make the words slide together in a fanciful way.
TIP EIGHT: Make strange gifts for people.
Friendship bracelets! Handdrawn portraits! Little notes with compliments! Origami! These little things could brighten someone's day and remind them of the beauty of humankind. By simply learning how to make one of these and giving them to someone, whether it's someone you love or someone you've only just met, you could change the lives of everyone around you (I'm being dramatic, slightly, but honestly, if someone came up to me and gave me a random drawing they did, my life would change forever).
TIP NINE: Come up with a blissful morning or nighttime routine.
I know I said I hate routine but this is the exception. Having a routine you look forward to - whether it's watching a TV show at 8:30 with your son (like my dad), writing your dream down every single morning upon waking, or doing a meditation every morning, routines can be really amazing ways to start and end your day. Routines are a) the key to developing strong habits, b) emotionally gratifying, and c) something to look forward to, every single day.
TIP TEN: Just... talk to more people. And compliment more people. And get to know more people.
Look, life is not very interesting when you're the only one in it. So find ways to reach out, talk to people, whether in person or online. My favourite concept is that everyone is a little more interesting than we'd even think. Most people don't let on to just how much weirdness they have under their surface. Even the most serious people who you think you have no one in common with have some wild secret, funny hobby, or mind-blowing opinion buried inside them somewhere. Make it your goal to be the one to discover these things, like you're an archaeologist and the people around you... are the ground? That was a bad simile, but you get the point.
Do you have any tips or tricks to make life more interesting and memorable? Let me know in the comments down below!