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Book Review: Good Morning Monster: Five Heroic Journeys to Recovery by Catherine Gildiner

At times disturbing, always compelling, and always inspiring. These stories, although initially appearing as tragedies, showcase the powers of the human psyche to rise against some of the greatest challenges you could ever imagine. The childhoods that each of these individuals had to face is horrific and shocking at times, and shows how much power parents have over shaping the lives and the futures of their children.

Catherine Gildiner, a clinical psychologist based in Toronto, pens these stories with remarkable empathy, heart, understanding, and even a tiny bit of humour. It is obvious she is very gifted at her job just based on how she interacts with her patients, and adapts her therapy style based on their backgrounds and needs. It's also really commendable that Gildiner realizes when she makes a mistake and accepts the fact she is not perfect. I was really impressed by the amount of openness and honesty she had with her patients, even when it seemed difficult to do so.

Although the stories were difficult to read at times--the second last one, especially--I think what was most impactful about the book was how incredible the patients' recoveries were. It was really motivating and inspiring to see these young people, from incredibly abusive and difficult backgrounds, being able to set boundaries for themselves and rise up from self-destructive behaviours. This book also served as a really great glimpse into different uses of psychoanalytic therapy, and I found it particularly interesting to read about how Gildiner interpreted patient's dreams and used it to understand their unconscious mind. I also found it remarkable just how much of an effect nurture has, versus nature.

Overall this book was hard to put down. Its searing honesty, impeccable writing, and moving stories made for a book that both changes your life, and puts it into perspective. Reading it made me want to give my parents a big hug and thank them for the way they raised me, as well as thank all the therapists and psychologists in the world who have devoted their lives to improving those of others. It's amazing just how powerful an effect therapy can have on people's lives, and this book certainly proved that.

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