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How to Lucid Dream (A Foolproof Guide)

Lucid dreaming = the ultimate creative experience.

To lucid dream is to have full (or at least partial) control over the content of your dreams. It is the sudden jolt of awareness that comes with realizing you are in a dream. Once you are aware you are dreaming, you are able to manipulate the content of your dreams. This type of dream can occur accidentally, but there are many ways you can train your brain into becoming aware while you are sleeping. In this article I will illustrate some tips on tricking your brain into gaining awareness!

Why Would You Want to Lucid Dream?

There are many reasons why lucid dreaming may be helpful for you. A lot of research has been put into the therapeutic effects of lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming may help to:

  • Lessen the effects of nightmares (including recurring ones associated with PTSD)

  • Relieve anxiety (by allowing the dreamer to actively face situations, while asleep, that cause them anxiety... think of lucid dreaming as a way to get safe, self-induced exposure-therapy)

  • Improve motor skills

Plus, lucid dreaming can just be fun! It is a way to experience any situation or place while asleep. You can experiment with creative ideas, practice having a difficult conversation with someone, or do something else that frightens you, all while in a safe environment.

However, lucid dreaming (because it occurs during REM sleep) could cause disruptions to one's sleep cycle, so it is difficult to say whether lucid dreaming is truly 100% "safe". However, in infrequent amounts, it doesn't seem like lucid dreaming could be that dangerous. So as long as you don't lucid dream every night and allow your body to get enough enriching REM sleep, you should be fine.


Technique 1: Reality Checks
an example of a reality check


  • When you are dreaming, there are a lot of inaccuracies and distortions that occur that would not occur in reality.

  • For instance, in your dreams, objects go through other objects, reflections don't make sense, and you can breathe even when your nose is pinched.

  • Every day, pick a "reality check" that you will perform that will confirm whether you are sleeping or awake.

  • This could include checking your hands to see if they look normal, trying to put two fingers through your palm to see if it "goes through", checking a clock to see if time is actually moving, etc. As you do this, think something like: "This reality check worked, therefore I am awake right now."

  • Even though you know that it will appear normal while in your wake-state, the hope is that if you can make you "reality check" into a habit, you will happen to repeat it while dreaming.

  • You should perform these reality checks as often as you can (about 30 times a day is recommended by lucid dreaming experts).

  • Once you repeat it while asleep, your brain should be able to note that you are now dreaming, and you will perhaps think: "This reality check did not work - therefore I must be dreaming."

  • You should be able to then take control of your dream.

Technique 2: Wake Back to Bed


  • As I mentioned, lucid dreaming usually occurs while in REM sleep.

  • Typically the REM part of the sleep cycle occurs about 5 hours into our sleep.

  • If you attempt to get back into the REM part of your sleep while still conscious, you have a higher likelihood of entering a lucid dream.

  • Therefore, to use this technique you must set an alarm for five hours after your bedtime.

  • Once it rings, you must stay up for 30 minutes and do an activity to make your brain becomes conscious and alert. Any activity that requires alertness of your brain will do: doing a crossword puzzle, reading, writing, etc.

  • After this 30 minutes, fall back asleep.

  • The chances of you lucid dreaming are increased, depending on the alertness of your brain.

Technique 3: Dream Journalling / Symbol Analysis


  • Paying attention to your dreams, or putting more energy into analyzing/thinking about dreams, will increase the likelihood of you noticing you are in one.

  • Not only will your brain be more likely to think about whether or not you are dreaming, by analyzing your dreams while awake, you may be able to notice certain reoccurring "symbols".

  • These symbols can be used as "hints" for your dream-self that you are dreaming.

  • To get this to work, try to write down your dream as soon as you wake up.

  • Try to also read your dream journal often, paying attention to certain themes/symbols that appear in your dreams.

Technique 4: Setting Intentions / Convince Yourself


  • Sometimes, simply believing/convincing yourself that something will occur is enough to induce your brain to make it happen.

  • Before you sleep, tell yourself "when I dream tonight, I will gain awareness that I am dreaming."

  • You can try repeating this to yourself over and over for an added effect.

  • Writing down this intention may also add extra influence over your mind.

How to Stay In Your Lucid Dream for Longer

"Sometimes, when I first enter a lucid dream, I get so excited that I wake up!"

This is a super common occurrence for many people, including myself. So, what can you do to make your lucid dream last longer, and keep yourself from waking up too soon?

  • Find ways to stay calm. Breathe, relax into the dream.

  • Stimulate your conscious brain through kinaesthetic actions. Rubbing your hands together is the easiest way to get this to work.

  • Do another reality check inside the dream.

  • "Be firm" with your lucid dream. Demand it to become clearer or more focused. Don't stay "stop being blurry" - find ways to work in the positive rather than the negative. If you add in the feeling of really wanting/yearning for the clarity of your dream, it may be easier.

  • Do math. Keep building your conscious in order to stay lucid. Doing simple math problems is one easy way to do this.

Fun Things to Do While Lucid Dreaming

In my research for this article, while browsing the reddit page r/LucidDreaming, I came across some really crazy, fascinating stories about people's experiences lucid dreaming:

  • One user asked his dream to "see a new colour" and was shown a colour he had never seen before in real life.

  • Another user was able to prompt a dream where they had a conversation with their subconscious.

  • Another user had a phone call with themselves.

  • Many users also say they can just "ask the dream to show them something cool", and the dream will then do just that.

Other ideas for things to do while lucid dreaming? Well, most you can imagine yourself, but some ideas include flying, destroying cities, meeting celebrities, or floating through space. Basically, lucid dreaming allows you to do anything you want and be as creative as you feel with zero consequence. Pretty cool, I would say.

Remember, have patience with yourself. If you follow all these tips you should be able to have one soon, but it may take some time.

If you have ever had a cool experience lucid dreaming, please comment below and share your story!

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