Find out whether or not they like you, once and for all.

Do they like you? It's a question that a lot of us struggle to answer, as the way people express interest varies from person to person. However, personality type can play a key factor in how individuals show their feelings, and therefore it can be easier to distinguish whether someone likes you or not simply based on their Myers-Briggs personality type.
So next time you're wondering whether or not they like you, just take a peak at this handy list.
Signs that they are interested in you:
They will ask you a LOT of questions and appear genuinely curious to understand you.
They will tease you or make fun of you in playful ways. But it might make you question if they actually like you, because they can tease quite intensely.
They will make a lot of eye contact when talking.
They will find ways to spend as much time as possible with you.
They will laugh at all your jokes, even if it is the worst joke known to mankind.
Signs that they are interested in you:
They will put ALL their attention onto you, and only you.
They might try to disagree with stuff that you say or say "shocking" things, just to get a reaction from you.
They will always show up on time to anything you are involved in.
If they seem really annoying, they probably like you.
They will create a lot of inside jokes with you.
They will seem really excited and also nervous when they are around you; you'll notice them acting quite restless and jumpy.
Signs that they are interested in you:
They will stare at you a lot, longingly, and almost always avoid eye contact.
When you're talking, they will listen really intently, and may not say much in response. If they are talkative around a lot of other people but quiet and nervous around you, chances are, they like you.
They will giggle at everything you say. EVERYTHING.
They may stumble over their words or stutter in front of you.
You will probably be able to tell that they're nervous. They will likely stumble around or act really jumpy around you.
Signs that they are interested in you:
They will act a lot warmer towards you, since they are usually quite reserved and may come across as cold to certain people.
They will smile a lot in your presence.
They will want to understand your perspectives and opinions on different issues, and will probably be quite interested in your mind and how it works.
You will feel as though they enjoy being around you. They usually make it quite obvious if they're not interested in talking.
Signs that they are interested in you:
They will act extremely animated around you. They will laugh and smile and act really lively.
They will listen to everything that you say, and make a lot of eye contact.
They will make you feel comfortable to share your own life story and maybe end up telling them things you've never told anyone before.
They will be extremely empathetic towards you and do everything they can to make you feel safe around them.
They will probably ask you out on a date, as they are usually fairly forward.
Signs that they are interested in you:
They don't like wasting time, so if they invest a lot of their day talking or being around you, then they probably like you.
They will ask you a lot of questions, like they are interviewing you.
They will be extremely interested in your thoughts and goals.
They will probably be fairly open and honest about liking you (if any personality type is going to make the first move, it's gonna be them).
They will play up their own strengths and maybe "show off" a little bit in your presence.
Signs that they are interested in you:
They may push themselves to be more outgoing when they are around you and may try to overcompensate for their shyness.
They may find it difficult to reply to your texts even if they act quite outgoing in person.
Their eyes will go really wide when they look at you.
They will talk about personal things about their lives or childhoods. Usually they're quite private so this is an important sign.
If they consistently talk to you or try to start conversations with you, this is also a sign.
Signs that they are interested in you:
Although they are very unlikely to flirt with you when they are interested, INTJs will often find ways to be around you, even if it doesn't mean talking to you. For instance, they will probably attend a social event that they wouldn't usually go to, just because they knew that you were going to be there.
They will disagree with you less than other people, and might be a little bit easier on you than they do others.
Their body language will usually give it away; they will lean in when you speak, widen their eyes, smile. They are masters of non-verbal communication.
They will react positively to almost anything you do. Even stuff that would usually annoy them. Somehow any sort of nonsense you do, they will tolerate because of their feelings for you.
Signs that they are interested in you:
They will banter with you a lot, and laugh at all your jokes.
They will tease you. Loads.
They will find ways to invite you to fun experiences, like going on road trips or to amusement parks. They will want to go on adventures with you!
They will make great eye contact, ask questions, and pay lots of attention to you.
They will always be trying to find ways to make inside jokes with you.
If you mention a favourite movie, book, tv show or song, they will go and watch/read/listen to it so that they have more to talk to you about.
Signs that they are interested in you:
They are usually quite straight-forward when they like someone, and will wink at you or find ways to make physical contact.
They are usually quite charming, but they will give you the most attention in a group.
They will show off shamelessly in front of you until you are impressed.
They will get as close as they can to you without overwhelming you.
They are very likely to just straight-up tell you that they like you.
Signs that they are interested in you:
They are quite awkward and uncertain when they have a crush, and will struggle with both wanting to be around you all the time, and wanting to hide from you out of nervousness.
They will spend more time than usual around you.
They will notice a lot of details about you and remember almost everything you tell them. They will remember a lot about any memories they have with you.
They will make space for you in their lives, and invite you into their home.
Signs that they are interested in you:
They will tease you intensely, but become super protective of you if anyone else mimics the same behaviour.
They will include you in their hobbies and things they enjoy doing.
They will create random reasons for calling or texting you.
They may begin to mirror some of your habits and mannerisms.
They will try to make life as comfortable and convenient for you as possible. They will seem super helpful and caring.
Signs that they are interested in you:
They will tell your friends that they like you, meaning you will probably tell if they share knowing glances between them and their friends when you are around.
They will find ways to invite you to group activities, but they are especially interested in you if they try to set up time with you one-on-one.
They usually wear their heart on their sleeve, and therefore it is usually pretty obvious if they are interested in you.
They will want to share everything with you; not only physical things like homemade cookies or a video that they find funny, but also their thoughts and feelings.
They will clean their space for you and try to make sure their car or house seems super comfortable and tidy for you.
Signs that they are interested in you:
They will take charge of every interaction you share with them.
They will boast subtly about themselves in front of you in the hopes that it will impress you.
They will act playfully antagonistic towards you--maybe by making teasing jokes or sarcastic comments, hoping that you can stand up or keep up with them.
They will go out of their way to remember your birthday and other special occasions, and make sure you feel special.
Signs that they are interested in you:
They will laugh at all your jokes.
They will patiently wait for you to make the first move (they are very shy, and also very unlikely to ask you out first).
They will be very attentive and patient towards you, and sacrifice their time to help you.
They will get really quiet around you, but will remember almost everything you tell them.
Signs that they are interested in you:
They will go out of their way to stand closer to you.
They will find ways to make you smile, and find out what you like in order to brighten your day.
They will basically do anything you tell them to, and will go along with any plan that you come up with.
They will dress up a little more and make sure they look good in your presence.
They usually like to spend a lot of time alone, but if they like you, they will find ways to spend as much time as they can with you.
Now all u need to do is secretly ask your crush the questions to find out there personality type