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I Read 118 Books in 2021... Here are My Top 5

This year, I had the lofty goal of reading 120 books (Hindsight: all this really did was make me feel pressure to read fast, and read shorter books). I fell 2 books short but I'm still gonna take it as a win.

26,000 pages later, I am here with my top 5 books from the entire year; the five books that I think about most and have left the greatest impact on me.

Requiem for a Dream by Hubert Selby Jr.

WHY YOU SHOULD READ: This terrifying stream-of-consciousness style book puts you right into the mind/body/spirit of addiction.

Reading this is a psychological journey. Hubert Selby Jr. puts you right in the mind of addiction, showing the ways in which the human mind can chase its own demise. We are made to empathize with the characters, which gives in to us also experiencing their struggle, their contradictions, their madness. Stream-of-consciousness writing seats us right in the centre of the addict's internal struggles. We are motivated to vouch for them, to hope for them, to remain optimistic even as things begin to spiral. A terrifying but important read about the denial and ambition inside all of us.

You're Not Listening: What You're Missing and Why It Matters by Kate Murphy

WHY YOU SHOULD READ: This book will challenge the way you view conversations and pull you away from your ego.

It's easy to strip away the power of someone's narrative by not listening. We often expect others to give our words attention, even when we don't do the same for others. This book shows the flaws of prioritizing talking over listening. In North American society, where a lot of pressure is put on the need to "sell yourself", it's easy to slip into the idea that talking is more important than listening. This book criticizes this idea and shows the many ways in which we would benefit from listening to each other just a little bit better.

All About Love: New Visions by Bell Hooks

WHY YOU SHOULD READ: Because this book is absolutely revolutionary in its understanding of love and reveals radical ideas to heal society.

Most of us can agree that the purpose of human life is connection. We have all felt the loneliness of isolation, especially in the last year. But still, very few of us are willing to admit that love is the basis of all human connection and is the groundwork for which we build truly flourishing and happy communities. And even when we do admit it and know it deep down, very few commit to the act of love. Too many of us select money or power as a stand-in. This book is about healing that corrupted nature.

I think that if more people read this book, shared it with others, and abided by the simple principle within it -- to commit to the act of choosing love and make it a priority to love the ones surrounding you and your community - this world could truly heal.

The Outside Circle: A Graphic Novel by Patti Laboucane-Benson

WHY YOU SHOULD READ: Because this graphic novel offers an extremely powerful narrative that illustrates the impact of colonialism and intergenerational trauma from a personal perspective (and ends on an uplifting note that shows the power of reconciliation).

This eye-opening book, drawn from the author's 20 years of work on healing within Aboriginal communities (and set in my hometown), reveals a compelling narrative of two Aboriginal brothers that are separated when one, Pete, gets involved in a gang. As Pete begins a process of rehabilitation, the novel unpacks the impacts of colonization and illustrates the difficulties of overcoming historic trauma. The book is a hard read, and deeply moving.

Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People by Vanessa Van Edwards

WHY YOU SHOULD READ: Because everyone could use a little upgrade on their people skills, and this book offers more than just an upgrade.

Ah, Vanessa Van Edwards, the self-dubbed "Human Behaviour Hacker". She grew up as someone who felt a little awkward and out-of-place in social situations, and wished that she could find a way to "hack" people and make them like her, instantly. After creating a research lab, she was able to discover the many ways that we are drawn to each other and "captivated". Well, hence why I read this book, because this book offered some amazing strategies not only for interacting with strangers, but for building rapport in many various situations, having more "memorable" conversations, improving your emotional intelligence, and other extremely useful skills. The book is an easy read, filled with pictures, interactive quizzes, and ways to take the concepts learned into real life scenarios.

If you liked these reviews, or would like to see if I beat my Reading Goal in 2022, check out my Goodreads here:

Plus, leave a comment down below what your favourite book you read this year was. I am always looking for recommendations!

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