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Life Update: June 2022

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

It's been six months since my last update. One of my coworkers who stalked my blog came up to me the other day and was like, "Yo, you haven't had a life update in a while." Thus, I begin deeply exploring my current psyche and everything new and exciting in my strange little life.

I got a couple new tattoos.

Shoutout to my tattoo artist Elvy for being the most extraordinary person in the world. And for doing such a fantastic job on all four tattoos, she has done for me.

I have been working out.

I have been going to the gym about two to three times a week with my friend Ainsley. Working out brings me so much accomplishment and joy. It has improved my mental health, body image, and overall strength. Plus, it's just straight-up fun. Also, it is an excellent place for me to dispel any rage. :)

I have been going to some interesting events: the adults-only night at my local science centre, a drag show, and some concerts.

The adults-only night featured male pole dancers, some virtual-reality thing where you just stood, some food trucks, and a playground where I ripped my purse and my new Doc Martens Jesus Sandals. :(

The drag show featured some iconic drag queens and some great performances, including one where they had a topless Winnie the Pooh costume.

I've been going on hikes.

I used to hate hikes growing up and would always growl whenever my parents tried to get me to go on one. Now, however, hikes are healing, spiritual experiences that mend my mind, body and soul. I intend to go on many more hikes this summer.

Some more miscellaneous updates...

If I had to summarize the last six months for you, I would state that it's been a mix of different emotions, but mostly happy ones. I feel pleased about where my life is progressing. I think in the fall, I had this issue where I did not want to be alone with myself. I would ensure that anytime I was at my house, I would do my school work so I could fill up the rest of my time out of my house, living my life.

Because of this, for a while, I stopped partaking in hobbies, e.g. reading or writing on this blog. Now, however, I have managed to create a balance between hanging out with people and also having enough time to partake in my hobbies AND do school. It feels terrific.

I also cannot have a life update without mentioning that I've been in a relationship since December. It's been really rewarding and wonderful, and because of it, I no longer identify as a cynic of romantic love.

What else can I say? I have a couple trips planned for this summer, so I will try to give more frequent life updates.

Also, I want to start a part on my blog where I answer any questions you have for me. These can be any sort of questions - questions about my life, my opinions, or anything else. So below please click on the button to enter an anonymous question (or two) which I will answer for a future blog post!

Anyways. That's about all for my update. :)



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1 comentario

20 jun 2022

Thanks for the update mate

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