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Why You Are Loved, Based On Your Myers Briggs Type

It’s sometimes hard to understand why people enjoy being around us, or why we are loved—but the answer lies, partly, within our personality, and the many things we bring to the table. Whether you are introverted or extroverted, more of a feeler or more of a thinker, there are many reasons why people are drawn towards you.

You can find your 16 Personality Type by taking the test at The website, which is based on the Myers-Briggs method of personality assessment, asks you a plethora of various questions in order to come up with a 4 letter “code” of sorts that relates to 4 different aspects of your personality: Introversion vs Extroversion, Intuition vs. Sensing, Thinking vs Feeling, and Perceiving vs Judging.


You are unconventional, imaginative; you make other people believe they are capable of anything. You are extremely original and captivating, and you’re willing to take risks to get what you want. You are enthusiastic and known for having a smile on your face. Your very presence gives people the atmosphere of feeling as though they are going on a new adventure, or exploring a new idea, or finding a new way of looking at the world. You are an amazing cheerleader, and are always assisting others in achieving what they want. You support others in even their wildest endeavors, and listen to people without judgment. Many people come to you easily with their problems and ideas, because you know how to comfort people in the darkness. When others are feeling low, you are the one to hold their hand through even their worst moments. You are overall just a lightbulb of fun and allow people to feel truly themselves.


You are clever, and curious, and always moving outside of the bounds of the traditional. You have many unconventional ideas and beliefs and what is extremely admirable is how you are willing to express them, making many look up to you for your bravery. If anyone is looking for someone strong and willing to help hem solve a problem, you are there. You have a very offbeat sense of humor and an authentic charm that makes people both admire and love you; you know how to make someone laugh. You are great in any sort of stressful situation as you’re extremely logical and you don’t succumb easily to emotion. You are excellent at communication, and are always improving both yourself and those around you. They are also very laid-back and flexible, making them extremely fun to hang out with, as they are down for almost anything.


You are extremely thoughtful and have a rich imagination, along with an individualistic sense of purpose. Your idealistic worldview and deep analysis of the world around you makes you a captivating person to listen to. You always try to broaden people’s perspectives and get them to think outside of the box. You are also a remarkable listener, and are always there for your friends when they need to get something off their chest. You help people to cope with and understand their own emotions, and remember what it means to be human. People feel free to express themselves around you, and to cry, laugh, and yell without restraint. You love deeply and are genuinely caring.


You are extremely warm and empathetic, and people are drawn towards you for this reason. You can sense the deeper needs of those around you, and can make people feel heard. You notice other people’s potential and unique strengths and do your best to emphasize them. You help everyone around you to reach their full potential, and allow others to realize how valuable they are. You are a nurturer at heart and are always finding ways to help others. You are also a changemaker, never shying away from a challenge. People admire you and see you as an inspiration, a reminder to never stop pursuing their own goals and passions.


You are extremely brave—people look up to you for your intellectual courage and ability to stand up for what you think is right. You are great at breaking down inaccuracies or flaws within systems, and you aren’t quiet in the face of bias. You are also very honest and insightful and great at giving powerful advice, or helping people to view a problem form a different angle. You aren’t jealous or manipulative either, and let other people live their lives without judgment. You help those around you to see everything in a different light, which can make you someone very powerful to go to for help or when they need a solution to something they are struggling with. You are also childlike and fun, and are great at handling conflict.


You are confident in your own intellectual abilities, and are capable of a lot of insight. You appear as someone who is very capable, charismatic, and determined, and a lot of people see you as a role model of hard work and dedication. You are both intensely loyal and brutally honest, never beating around the bush when talking to people and instead telling the honest truth. You mentor those around them and help them to gain success. You are also a brilliant leader, speaker, and campaigner, and make those around you feel safe and secure. You are frank, well-read, and amazing at sharing knowledge. You have also have a lot of will power and are also very financially responsible, which all makes you into an amazing ally, friend, and confidante.


You have a very gentle, beautiful nature to you. People are compelled to understand you and learn more about you. You are empathetic and hopeful, and people are drawn to your sensitive, friendly persona, sensing there is an intense underlying current of passion and determination to create a better world. You are generous and supportive of those around you, making you a valued partner and friend. People feel free to be themselves around you, as being around you feels extremely safe. Your nonjudgmental nature allows people to share their inner darkness, worries, joys, and sorrows, and you listen empathetically to them.


Your mind is filled with thoughts, possibilities, and information—people look to you to help better understand the world and how it works. People admire your logical and fact-based nature, and your focus on how to make the world more efficient and effective. Your ability to think long-term helps those around you to prepare and protect their future. You are great at giving others constructive feedback, advice, and wisdom, all because you are capable of sensing the potential of everyone and everything around you. You are also very independent and self- confident, and embrace conflict rather than avoid it, which people also respect. You take commitments very seriously and people know they can always count on you to do something.


Intensely charismatic, very expressive, and with an impeccable taste of adventure, you are both sincere and audacious. Being around you draws people into a new world of possibility, knowing that every moment with you is an entirely new experience and an unforgettable memory. You are someone who seizes opportunities and sees the possibility in every moment, and always finds a way to have fun even in the hardest moments. You are extremely encouraging to your friends, making them feel confident, important, and bold, and are always there to lend a hand. You are very strong emotionally, and very outgoing and friendly, making you a really great friend all around.


You are bold and filled with great humor, and people can’t help but love your perspective. You are filled with an easygoing charm and are practical, quick thinking, and brave. You keep everyone around you on their toes, and are filled with an intense charisma that keeps people listening to you and wanting to be around you. You are the life of the party, drawing people towards you, making them feel more passionate, lively, and fun. You are extremely good under pressure and spoil those around you with your generous nature, and you always manage to draw people in with your confidence.


You are gentle, artistic, and free-spirited, with a hint of mystery under your steady gaze. You are compassionate but realistic, always thinking about tangible possibilities. Your authenticity draws people in and makes people want to be around you. You refuse to be fake or manipulative or to flatter people without reasoning. You’re never harsh, either; your playful humor manages to always lighten the mood. You are also warm and positive, and affectionate and respectful of other people’s need for alone time.


People are drawn to you by your energy of being intensely mysterious, extremely independent, and very self-sufficient. You are never clingy or needy, instead keeping to yourself and your personal island of contentment. You are extremely knowledgeable and very helpful when it comes to other people’s problems. You speak the truth and make sure everyone is treated equally. You are filled with an intense amount of wisdom, and seem at peace with who you are. Your unpredictable nature makes people enjoy being around you and hearing you speak. You are also very respectful of other people’s needs and privacy and expect other people to do the same.


You are caring and practical. You are very consistent in your friendships and people feel content knowing that they know what to expect from you, and know they can count on you for almost anything. You make people feel comforted and at peace, as you are a natural nurturer who genuinely cares about the lives of other people. Your warmth and kindness inspires everyone who knows them to aim to become a better person. You make people feel appreciated and seen and that’s why so many people aim to be your friend. You are also reliable and honest, and are almost always in a good mood. People love being around you for how you make them feel.


People love you for your hardworking nature. They admire your need to strive for excellence in every one of your pursuits and know that they can count on you. You’re also blunt and no-nonsense, which is very refreshing to most people. You don’t sugarcoat the truth and instead help direct people, honestly, back onto the right path if you sense they are striving down the wrong road. You are extremely decisive and always seem to know what you want. People who you know love knowing that you will take your role as a leader seriously. You are constantly admired for your resilience and your up-front honesty in your relationships. There is no need to fear shady behavior or secrets when it comes to you, because people expect that they will be getting your authentic self. This is very admirable and important in relationships, and people admire you for this.


You are quite reserved and enjoy staying in the background. To those who get to know you, they realize the intense gentleness and capability that you exude. Your devotion and empathy makes people feel real, and safe. You work tirelessly to protect both your community and your loved ones. It’s simply your nature to be helpful, and you never work hard for praise or glory, but simply to care for those around you. You are always there to offer emotional support and advice to those around you, and take commitments seriously. You challenge insensitivity and hurtfulness and help challenge people to become the best—and kindest—versions of themselves they can be.


Moralistic and loyal, you are extremely grounded and reasonable, making people feel reassured in your presence. Rather than being flashy or pompous, you draw people in with your natural, understated elegance and your quiet and sophisticated outlook. You are very gentle and careful with both your life decisions, no matter how minor they may seem, but also with those around you. You are also very calm and sensible and your friends see you as a steady rock, an anchor, when life becomes overwhelming. You are the first person people look to when they need someone to depend on. You are communicative, great at listening, and also have the ability to take constructive criticism.

I hope you enjoyed learning why you are loved. For more information about your personality type, check out

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Jan 08, 2022

Thanks for letting me know 😙

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